How To Get Business Loans For Small Start-Up Business
There are a lot of loan options available for small businesses today. The easiest type of loan to secure is unsecured business loans. This is not really a loan. It’s more like a business credit card. So if you do have good credit or good credit partner or a guarantor, you can get five times the amount of money from whatever your highest credit limit account is now.
Business Loans for Small Company
Look at your credit report. Whatever is the highest limit you have on a credit card is, you could typically get unsecured financing fives times that amount of money. You can get approved regardless of your company size. Also, the rate starts at 0% so this is perfect to start a business because you can get a zero percent rate for generally six to eighteen months. After which, your rate will follow a normal credit card rate.
You can also get approved without your financials. If you are not a start up and you need a no-doc type of loan, unsecured financing is the best way to go.
Asset-Based Loans
This is another type of small business financing. You can get this regardless of your company size. These loans use assets as the main factor for approval. Rates are usually five percent or less or even as low as one percent regardless of your credit score. You can get approved if you have 401k or stocks, inventory, equipment, real estate, or book of business including purchase orders or account receivables. So regardless if you are a small business, you could still get approved for this type of financing. Depending on the value of your assets as collateral, you can get large amounts of money.
Business Credit
Business credit is another great option because any company, regardless of size can get business credit even if you are just opening your business. There’s no personal credit check required. So if you have consumer credit issues, this can be a great option for you. It takes about 6 months total time to get approved for business credit cards with limits of $10,000 or higher. These are visa-mastercard type of cards. Amongst that 6 months, you are also getting approved for vendor credit and store credit.
Bottom line
There’s a lot of funding options available for large and small businesses but they all need cash flows of $10,000 or higher monthly cashflows to qualify. This is includes cash advances, private money, conventional loans, SBA alternative loans. All these become available to you when you have revenue in tax returns. So even if you are a small business if you have tax returns and bank statements to show deposits of $10,000 a month or more, even proof of small amounts of profit and gross revenue, then this opens up a lot of other funding options.