The Influence of Money on Happiness
Money cannot buy happiness but studies show that money has a huge impact on happiness.
Many people aim to become a millionaire. And even if you don’t hit that high note, you would at least want to experience financial security for your family and something to hold on to when you reach senior age. Money (after all) can make anyone a lot happier.
Can Money Impact Happiness?
Various studies into the influence that money has on happiness show that money does make people happy. It is about what you do with your money and what you spend it on. But then, of course, you have to have it. And how much is enough to be happy? Tip of the veil: you don’t have to be a millionaire …
Spend smarter Spend your money on things that give you more free time. So you don’t need more money to become happier, you just have to spend it differently.
There are plenty of things with which you ‘buy time’. For a – relatively – small amount you can, for example, have your groceries delivered at home or someone who cleans your house. Although that person only comes once a month, it does give you time for other fun things!
A lot happier
So you get time in return! You can, for example, spend that on your friends or family. Or you can pick up your neglected hobby, talk to your partner, hug your turtle, visit your grandmother or annoy your best friend. And yes, that makes you happy.
Is there a lucky formula?
Yes! It is there! OMG! Research has shown that everyone’s happiness consists of three building blocks, namely: goals, charging points and people. Goals ensure that you have something to look forward to. A reason to get out of bed and have a perspective on the future. And now it comes: charging points are the biggest problem for people. You probably have a telephone and are – whether you want it or not – to a certain extent addicted to that thing. In summary: You get new impulses again and again and that costs energy.
How many knocks do you need?
If you want to be able to do all this, you need money. You have to earn enough money to be able to take free time and recharge yourself. So there is a maximum limit to which money makes us satisfied with our quality of life. What? Yes really. Research has even been done. Up to the limit of EUR 67,900 on an annual basis, more income generally means more happiness. According to this research, ‘happy’ people earn on average between € 53,000 and € 67,900 per year.