Finance Experts Urge Investors to Diversify Amidst Economic Volatility
Although the US Federal Reserve has taken steps that helped prevent adverse developments in the securities markets, finance experts urge investors to diversify. It’s important to keep in mind that the markets have been operating in an economy enhanced by fiscal and monetary stimulus.
As it is, some Fed officials are already sounding off that the buying of mortgaged-backed securities and Treasury bonds will start receding toward the end the year. On the other hand, members of the Federal Open Market Committee, which makes key decisions regarding interest rates, hinted that rates on short-term securities will increase by the year-end of 2022, which is sooner than was expected. Bear in mind that the value of bonds decline if interest rates increase.
According to U.S. Bank’s Rob Haworth, a Senior Director of Investment Strategy, buying of mortgage and Treasury bonds as well as low interest rates had provided critical support for investors. Such actions helped curb any substantial downward movement transpiring in the stock and bond markets.
Fed Officials Finally Admits Inflation Reversal Won’t Happen Sooner
The S&P 500 responded well as it grew by 21.6 percent during the first eight months of this year. According to the Feds, actual increase in corporate earnings had driven the higher stock prices.
However, the Federal Reserve’s Central Bank finally admitted las Wednesday that inflation will continue to increase as it will take longer for a reversal to happen. In fact the Feds raised their estimation of average inflation rates from a previous 3.4% to 4.2%.
Since inflation impacts consumer behavior, a decline in buying activities as a result of increased prices, will in turn impact the earnings of some corporations.
Financial Expert Offers Insight on Sectors to Consider as Diversification Options
At the U.S. Bank, Eric Freedman, the Chief Investment Officer said they have been closely monitoring if inflation will spur reactions that could create challenges for the securities market.
Freedman believes that economic volatility that results from public policies usually occurs in specific industries and does not affect the general economy. That being the case, Freedman mentioned certain sectors that U.S. Bank investment leaders will pay attention to because they offer long term potentials.
He describes such industries as being well positioned to realize benefits from long-term economic trends. They are in particular, the industries focused on helping people stay productive such e-commerce and information technology. While before, these sectors had lagged behind as performers, they remain resilient as they offer services that work toward creating a stronger economy.
The healthcare is another industry to consider, as most consumers are now into products that can extend life expectancies. Consumers have demonstrated they are inclined to look for products and services that will enable them to take better care of themselves, including those that help them stay physically and mentally active.
Diversification of holdings is still the key to keeping one’s portfolio attuned to the level of comfort maintained as part of a sound strategy. A properly diversified portfolio is one in which the risk level will not greatly impact the yields of high return investments regardless of how economic events play out.